Long Running Tasks Rx Wpf

A sample demo showing various methods of handling tasks in a wpf application.

  • Combobox with contents generated by typing text
  • Load List from async method in the model (simulated delay to show screen is still active)
  • Load list from sync method converted to async (again delay is simulated)
  • Thread number is displayed in console to emphasize the fact that the method are running on different threads

Code available @ Demo Tasks.


Dynamic Data And Dublin Bikes Api

Combination of Dynamic Data and Material Design displaying Dublin Bike Data

A Wpf application that connects to a Dublin Bikes Api and displays the results in a grid. This allows realtime filtering of data.

Code available @ Dynamic Dublin Bikes


Western Blot For Android

Android application for calculating Western Blot.

Many scientists make their own acrylamide gels- it saves money and you can make whatever percentage you require. This application will allow you to put in the % gel you want and the volumes of the ingredients will change accordingly. This app is made by scientists for scientists and the ingredients/calculation have been tested on countless real-life experiments on the lab bench.

Download application @ Play Store.

Code is available @ Western Blot.


Weka and Hadoop

Project to run Weka Machine Learning alogithms across a Hadoop cluster.

Built as part of a MSC in Software Engineering.

Code is available @ Weka Hadoop
